Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Kevin bought me a set of diamonds that increase in size from small, medium to large. They have become a part of my daily life. They are durable, stain and stick resistant and dishwasher friendly. No, I'm not talking about jewelry. I'm talking about cookware, Swiss Diamonds to be exact. It seems the non stick technology comes from tiny diamond particles embedded in material. You don't have to worry about using metal utensils because there is no Teflon coating. They cook well, distribute heat evenly, and they are pretty hefty, so if I need to smack Kevin with a frying pan I still can.

I made chili in one the other night and of course I didn't get around to washing it until the next morning, when the residue was dried. Most of the time letting something sit too long and trying to clean the caked on substance can be a pain, but not with my new pots and pans. I didn't have to let anything soak, and no scouring was needed.

Yesterday, I wanted to make carnitas, but found the crock-pot had broken on the move from Texas. No problem. I took out the large deep skillet, added my pork loin, green chilis, salsa verde and cooked at medium simmer for a few hours and VIOLA dinner was served. The meat didn't stick to the bottom, the sauce didn't burn. Who needs a crock-pot, when you have Swiss Diamonds.

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Meringue Cookies

I finally made beautiful vanilla meringue cookies.  It has taken me several attempts to get these to turn out looking and tasting great. ...