Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Teacherin'

Yesterday, I had my first Montana teaching interview.  The day before I was near tears after spending 2.5 hours in the Missoula Dillard's trying to find just the right outfit.  I left bound and determined to find something that Said: Hey-Lookit-I'm-A-Dignified-Perfect-For-This-Small-Town-Teacher.  This is what I found:

Kevin said it was perfect.  Actually he said it was "parochial", but I took that as a good thing.  I was anxious to get the interview over and done with.  I think it went well.  The people were great, and the school reminded me very much of Ponder.  It was kind of weird, but I think Broadview, the town, would be a great place to get back into teaching.  It has everything I liked about teaching in Aubrey.  So we will see. Finger's crossed. 

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Meringue Cookies

I finally made beautiful vanilla meringue cookies.  It has taken me several attempts to get these to turn out looking and tasting great. ...