My Mexican vacation is coming to an end. I've said goodbye to two of my friends, Javi and Thelma. Before parting, we returned to our place, Catzo y Charleys, for one last cucaracha. Catzo y Charley's was nothing like Carlos and Charley's, don't get that impression. It was generally empty while we were there and the waiters knew us on site. We knew we had found a home when we entered one night and the waiter calls out "Tres Cucarachas!" before we even make it up the stiars. The view from c&c's was great, the music was always loud and we were never short of conversation. Some people might have called our place a dump, but to me it was great.
After paying the check each night, the waiter would bring a bonus cucaracha which Thelma and I generally left to Javier, but Tuesday night El Cucaracha del Fuego, my luchador name for Javi, was done and the honor was all mine. The night ended in knuckle bumps and the conquest of my street vendor phobia. I don't know if it was the mounting hunger or the flaming drink pictured above, but for the first time I indulged in street food. I dare say it was FANTASTIC.
Without Javi and Thelma my trip would not have been near as much fun. I wish them well on their upcoming wedding and hope that their last cucaracha was as memorable as mine.
From SanMgl |
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