I did go to Phoenix and visit my brother. I was in luck and it was overcast so we actually got to go outside without suffocating in the sweltering heat. I had a grand time with Gary and Angel. His band, The Enginears (their spelling not mine), played at a local sports bar & grill, Dillion's. It was surreal seeing Gary up there singing and playing his guitar. Reminded me of the first time I met my brother way back when I was 6 or 7 and he was in his twenties. I think he even looked younger being in his element like that.
During my trip, what I thought was an allergic reaction to dog hair morphed into a grotesque case of pink eye. Seeing how I was away from home and currently with out insurance, I decided on the homeopathic rememdy which I am pleased to say worked beautifully. The OTC product, Similasan, took a few days to work, but it didn't sting like steroid products do and I didn't have to get a perscription.
Apparently once I returned from Arizona, I was still a hot bed for bacterial infection. Kevin's family was coming in on Thursday and Friday of last week for Cody's graduation.
Thursday, I had a sore throat was dog tired and woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever. I spent the festive graduation weekend in bed with what I am calling the strep-flu. Not sure what it was, but I think I may have had an out of mind experience.
Now everyone is gone, and I am back to normal. I'm hoping to get back into my posting habit, so while I'm in Mexico I'll be posting daily.
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