I've been having an internal struggle lately. I have a love of the written word. Books are my friends, my movies, my vacations. In a book you have everything right in the palm of your hand, a movie in your mind and you get to choose the actors.
I love my books. I don't usually loan out my books because I would miss them. I have a room full of books in storage at my cousins house and I think about those books probably more than I think I about the cousin who houses them. (Sorry, Kell, I love you)
If someone puts a glass on my book, I get a little nuts. The summer when I went to Mexico, my bag was like 10 lbs over the weight limit so I had to take out books and stuff them into my backpack. I bought more books when I was in Mexico and sadly had to make the decision to leave some behind. I parted with them at the local public library in hopes that someone would love them as much as I did.
My delimma is this: I've been eyeing those ebook readers, like Barnes and Noble's Nook, and have been finding myself wanting one. I've pictured myself using it on my upcoming trip to Texas. I even checked to see if the two new books I want can be downloaded to it. But I love books themselves. The crinkle of the page. The tautness of a brand new binding. The smell of an old book dusty and aged. The crisp fresh inky smell of a brand spanking new book.
I have a fear that technology will take over the world and simple things like the hand written letter and books real books will disappear. I feel loyal to the hardback, partial to the paper back, but yet ever so intrigued by the slender, shiny, 1500 books at your fingertips appeal of the ereader.
OH, what am I to do!